Monday 14 October 2013



My favourite time of the year. Back to school with a new class and new projects on the go. This fall I feel especially blessed to be starting the project of our house! We have found a home that we love and are starting to make it fell like home with different project ideas and work on the go. I will love to see the changes we make over the years and how it will continue to feel more like ours. With this lovely home also came some very large trees. I have loved taking pictures of the season in our yard and all the colours we are enjoying. This fall I am taking on the project of attempting to blog more often. Share the things that  I am working on and seek out others who share my interests in different parts of the world. How exciting that we are able to connect with others similar to us that are in a very different location than ourselves! I look forward to what this new year brings. I plan to cook lots, colour loads and create as much as I can! Here are some pictures from a hike and our yard this fall! Enjoy!!

Wednesday 2 January 2013


I have recently just moved more of my things from my parents place to our small apartment! At first I thought I might not be able to fit it in BUT then I went into organize mode! I went through all of my creative things and organized them! I can't believe how many things I wish I had time to make or have fun with! I sure have come up with quite a collection! I love to take time to get creative and need to have a space to keep all of these materials . I was so proud to make everything fit and even have space to possibly add a bit more eventually! Ha. It is my dream to have a whole room dedicated to creating someday but for now my little closet will have to do. Just looking at it makes me so excited! I just bought a clean new canvas today so we will see what ends up happening on it!
It feels great to know where everything is though so now I won't have to dig through everything!
happy creating my friends.